
The quick facts:
x she/her/hers
x bi/ace, jewish, hard of hearing
x located in the US

My name is Abi, and I am unfortunately not a dragon. Being a book blogger seemed like the next best thing.

I’m a stressed out, fuzzy-brained college student studying gender, Judaism, and English. I love fantasy books, beautiful covers, and the kind of writing that takes your breath away. I write stories, do embroidery, and muddle through sewing projects for “fun,” though it usually just makes me even more stressed and fuzzy-brained. And on this blog I talk about all of that.

Loves: Queer girls being best friends, fantasy graphic novels, purple prose and long descriptions, thieves and assassins, clever dialogue, cocky girls, playing with narrative form, fairy tale retellings (WLW retellings!), Jewish characters.

Hates: Possessive alpha male characters, characters who forgive too easily, straight up horror, master/slave romance, stilted and bland writing styles, mysteries not providing information you needed to solve it yourself, couples with no chemistry.

Favorite authors: Catherynne M. Valente, Leigh Bardugo, Hannah Moskowitz, Margaret Rogerson, Tamora Pierce, Megan Whalen Turner, Cat Sebastian

Favorite books: Six of Crows, The Scorpio Races, Girls Made of Snow and Glass, Sick Kids in Love, The Queen’s Thief series, An Enchantment of Ravens, The Protector of the Small series, Circle of Magic series, Mask of Shadows